Theranostics 2024; 14(8):3080. doi:10.7150/thno.79609 This issue Cite


Exosomal miR-125b-5p deriving from mesenchymal stem cells promotes tubular repair by suppression of p53 in ischemic acute kidney injury: Erratum

Jing-Yuan Cao1*, Bin Wang1*, Tao-Tao Tang1*, Yi Wen1, Zuo-Lin Li1, Song-Tao Feng1, Min Wu1, Dan Liu1, Di Yin1, Kun-Ling Ma1, Ri-Ning Tang1, Qiu-Li Wu1, Hui-Yao Lan2, Lin-Li Lv1 Corresponding address, Bi-Cheng Liu1 Corresponding address

1. Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital, Southeast University School of Medicine, Nanjing 210009, China.
2. Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, Liu Che Woo Institute of Innovative Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR 999077, China.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

Cao JY, Wang B, Tang TT, Wen Y, Li ZL, Feng ST, Wu M, Liu D, Yin D, Ma KL, Tang RN, Wu QL, Lan HY, Lv LL, Liu BC. Exosomal miR-125b-5p deriving from mesenchymal stem cells promotes tubular repair by suppression of p53 in ischemic acute kidney injury: Erratum. Theranostics 2024; 14(8):3080. doi:10.7150/thno.79609.
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Corrected-article in Theranostics, Volume 11, 5248


The authors apologize that the original version of the above article contains errors that need to be corrected. An incorrect image for I/R group in Figure 6E was inserted in figure assembly. The authors declare that these amendments do not change the results or conclusions of their paper. The authors sincerely apologize to the Journal and its readers for the confusion this may have caused. The corrected version of Figure 6E appears below.

 Figure 6 

Corrected figure for original Figure 6E.

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Author contact

Corresponding address Corresponding authors: Professor Bi-Cheng Liu, Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital, Southeast University School of Medicine, 87 Ding Jia Qiao Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu. E-mail: liubc64com or Professor Lin-Li Lv, Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital, Southeast University School of Medicine, 87 Ding Jia Qiao Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu. E-mail: lvlinli2000com.

Published 2024-5-15

Citation styles

Cao, J.Y., Wang, B., Tang, T.T., Wen, Y., Li, Z.L., Feng, S.T., Wu, M., Liu, D., Yin, D., Ma, K.L., Tang, R.N., Wu, Q.L., Lan, H.Y., Lv, L.L., Liu, B.C. (2024). Exosomal miR-125b-5p deriving from mesenchymal stem cells promotes tubular repair by suppression of p53 in ischemic acute kidney injury: Erratum. Theranostics, 14(8), 3080.

Cao, J.Y.; Wang, B.; Tang, T.T.; Wen, Y.; Li, Z.L.; Feng, S.T.; Wu, M.; Liu, D.; Yin, D.; Ma, K.L.; Tang, R.N.; Wu, Q.L.; Lan, H.Y.; Lv, L.L.; Liu, B.C. Exosomal miR-125b-5p deriving from mesenchymal stem cells promotes tubular repair by suppression of p53 in ischemic acute kidney injury: Erratum. Theranostics 2024, 14 (8), 3080. DOI: 10.7150/thno.79609.

Cao JY, Wang B, Tang TT, Wen Y, Li ZL, Feng ST, Wu M, Liu D, Yin D, Ma KL, Tang RN, Wu QL, Lan HY, Lv LL, Liu BC. Exosomal miR-125b-5p deriving from mesenchymal stem cells promotes tubular repair by suppression of p53 in ischemic acute kidney injury: Erratum. Theranostics 2024; 14(8):3080. doi:10.7150/thno.79609.

Cao JY, Wang B, Tang TT, Wen Y, Li ZL, Feng ST, Wu M, Liu D, Yin D, Ma KL, Tang RN, Wu QL, Lan HY, Lv LL, Liu BC. 2024. Exosomal miR-125b-5p deriving from mesenchymal stem cells promotes tubular repair by suppression of p53 in ischemic acute kidney injury: Erratum. Theranostics. 14(8):3080.

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