Online advance articles

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Aryl hydrocarbon receptor confers protection against macrophage pyroptosis and intestinal inflammation through regulating polyamine biosynthesis
Yajing Gao, Kwei-Yan Liu, Wenfeng Xiao, Xueru Xie, Qiuyan Liang, Zikun Tu, Lan Yang, Hongmiao Yu, Haiyan Guo, Saihua Huang, Xiao Han, Jinrong Fu, Yufeng Zhou
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.95749; accepted
[Author manuscript]

The CEBPB+ Glioblastoma Subcluster Specifically Drives the Formation of M2 Tumor-associated Macrophages to Promote Malignancy Growth
Yongchang Yang, Xingyu Jin, Yang Xie, Chunlan Ning, Yiding Ai, Haotian Wei, Xing Xu, Xianglian Ge, Tailong Yi, Qiang Huang, Xuejun Yang, Tao Jiang, Xiaoguang Wang, Yingzhe Piao, Xun Jin
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.93473; in press
[Author manuscript]

FUS mediated BBB opening leads to transient perfusion decrease and inflammation without acute or chronic brain lesion
Sébastien Rigollet, Claire Rome, Thomas Ador, Erik Dumont, Chantal Pichon, Anthony Delalande, Emmanuel L. Barbier, Vasile Stupar
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.96721; in press
[Author manuscript]

MeCP2 K271 Lactylation-mediated M2 Macrophage Polarization Inhibits Atherosclerosis
Liangqi Chen, Meiju Zhang, Xueyan Yang, Yanan Wang, Tuo Huang, Xin Li, Yunting Ban, Qifeng Li, Qingyuan Yang, Yongxiang Zhang, Yang Zheng, Di Wang, Xiaoqi Wang, Xiujie Shi, Maomao Zhang, Yong Sun, Jian Wu
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.94738; accepted
[Author manuscript]

Remote actuation and on-demand activation of biomaterials pre-incorporated with physical cues for bone repair
Xueping Kong, Tianyi Zheng, Zhaoyi Wang, Tong Zhou, Jiezhong Shi, Ying Wang, and Ben Zhang
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.97610; accepted
[Author manuscript]

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography: technological development and applications in brain science
Luyao Yang, Pengyu Chen, Xiaofei Wen and Qingliang Zhao
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.97192; accepted
[Author manuscript]

PRMT6 mediated ADMA promotes p62 phase separation to form a negative feedback loop in ferroptosis
Lifeng Feng, Lini Chen, Weikai Wang, Qi Wei, Shiman Hu, Minqiang Chen, Xin Jiang, Yuchen Wu, Lian Duan, Liyuan Zhu, Xian Wang, Hongchuan Jin
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.94789; in press
[Author manuscript]

Intestinal Epithelial Damage-derived mtDNA Activates STING-IL12 Axis in Dendritic Cells to Promote Colitis
Yajie Cai, Shuo Li, Yang Yang, Shuni Duan, Guifang Fan, Jinzhao Bai, Qi Zheng, Yiqing Gu, Xiaojiaoyang Li, Runping Liu
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.96184; accepted
[Author manuscript]

Pioneering Noninvasive Colorectal cancer detection with an AI-Enhanced Breath Volatilomics Platform
Yongqian Liu, Yongyan Ji, Jian Chen, Yixuan Zhang, Yuanwen Chen, Xiaowen Li, Xiang Li
Theranostics 2024; doi:10.7150/thno.94950; accepted
[Author manuscript]

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