Online advance articles

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Development of a robust BH3 drug toolkit for precision medicine in hematologic malignancies
Valentin Jacquier, Andréa Romero,Caroline Molinaro, Ritu Somayaji, Matthieu Abouladze, Ouissem Karmous Gadacha, Sara Ovejero, Hugues de Boussac, Ludovic Gabellier, Matthew S. Davids, Jérôme Moreaux, Charles Herbaux
Theranostics 2025; doi:10.7150/thno.107852; accepted
Author manuscript

Mitochondria-targeting natural product Rhein conjugated with dichloroacetate as the dual inhibitor of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation to off energize cancer cells and induce ROS storm
Zhili Zhang, Shiming Tang, Minghui Qi, Hongyang Zhao, Meng Wu, Shi-Wen Huang
Theranostics 2025; doi:10.7150/thno.107812; in press
Author manuscript

Microglial Lcn2 knockout enhances chronic intracerebral hemorrhage recovery by restoring myelin and reducing inflammation
Li Wang, Lei Zhang, Kai Wang, Jun He, Liang Yuan, Yangang Wang, Weihao Lv, Zehan Zhang, Yuan Feng, Hongchen Zhang, Min Zhang, Rui Lv, Ya-nan Dou, Xiaowei Fei, Jialiang Wei
Theranostics 2025; doi:10.7150/thno.109440; in press
Author manuscript

Deciphering single-cell landscape unravels cell-type-specific functional roles of RNA m6A modification in atherosclerosis
Xiaorui Ping, Xiaoyun Liang, Wenlu Xing, Saiqi Wang, Fengcongzhe Gong, Yaqi Cheng, Songqi Duan, Xueqi Lv, Xueying Li, Tianli Zhang, Chunxiao Chen, Yuxin Zhang, Chengzhu Yuan, Shangyu Liu, Gang Liu, Baofa Sun
Theranostics 2025; doi:10.7150/thno.104179; in press
Author manuscript

KMV-mediated cardiomyocyte-to-endothelial cell signaling drives capillary rarefaction to promote heart failure following pressure overload
Chenxi Gao, Yudong Xia, Chaofang Li, Tao Zhou, Wenyu Zhang, Hao Cheng, Xiaojin Zhang, Yunhao Yu, Chuanfu Li, Zhengnian Ding, Jun Wu and Li Liu
Theranostics 2025; doi:10.7150/thno.104899; in press
Author manuscript

Current landscape and future directions of targeted-alpha-therapy for glioblastoma treatment
Loris Roncali, François Hindré, Edouard Samarut, Franck Lacoeuille, Audrey Rousseau, Jean-Michel Lemée, Emmanuel Garcion, Michel Chérel
Theranostics 2025; doi:10.7150/thno.106081; in press
Author manuscript

Sex bias in tumor immunity: from the viewpoint of immune cells
Xuerui Tao, Yiling Wang, Binghua Xiang, Dongmei Hu, Wei Xiong, Wenjun Liao, Shichuan Zhang, Chi Liu, Xiaoxiao Wang, Yue Zhao
Theranostics 2025; doi:10.7150/thno.106465; in press
Author manuscript

Note: The manuscripts in this page haven't been copyedited by the journal and the contents may change before final publication.

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