
Xiaoyuan (Shawn) Chen, Ph.D.
Nasrat Muzayyin Professor in Medicine and Technology
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Faculty of Engineering
National University of Singapore
Editor-in-chief profile

Managing Editor

Junjie (Jessie) Cheng, PhD

Editorial Board

Ramon A. Alvarez-Puebla
Ramon A. Alvarez-Puebla, PhD
ICREA Research Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Avda. Països Catalans 26
43007 Tarragona, Spain

Weibo Cai
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellow
Departments of Radiology, Medical Physics, Materials Science
& Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, WI 53705, USA

Fei Chen
Fei Chen, PhD, Professor
Stony Brook Cancer Center
Department of Pathology
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794

Ke Cheng
Ke Cheng, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Columbia University
Editor-in-Chief, Extracellular Vesicle (Elsevier)
Chair, NIH Biomaterials and Biointerfaces (BMBI) Study Section

Daxiang Cui
Daxiang Cui, PhD
Professor, Research Institute of Micro/Nano Science and Technology
Shanghai JiaoTong University
Shanghai 200240, P. R. China
Zhifei Dai
Zhifei Dai, PhD
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
College of Engineering
Peking University

Jinming Gao
Jinming Gao, PhD
Professor, Department of Pharmacology
Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX 75390

Howard Gendelman
Howard Gendelman, MD
Larson Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Professor & Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198

Hamid Ghandehari
Hamid Ghandehari, PhD
Professor and George S. and Dolores
Doré Eccles Presidential Endowed Chair,
Molecular Pharmaceutics
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Director, Utah Center for Nanomedicine
36 S Wasatch Dr, Room 5205
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 84112-5001

Tony Ye Hu
Tony Ye Hu, Ph.D.
Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Biotechnology Innovation
Director, Center of Cellular and Molecular Diagnosis
Tulane University

Andreas Jacobs
Andreas Jacobs, MD
Professor and Chairman, European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)
Westphalian Wilhelms-University Münster (WWU)
Mendelstrasse 11
D-48149 Münster, Germany

Hossein Jadvar
Hossein Jadvar, MD, PhD, MPH, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Urology, and Biomedical Engineering
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Sangyong Jon
Sangyong Jon, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Director, Center for Precision Bio-Nanomedicine
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
291 Daehak-ro, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea

Deok-Ho Kim
Deok-Ho Kim, Ph.D. FAHA, FRSC, FSLAS
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Medicine
Director, Hopkins Center for Microphysiological Systems
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Rm. 724B, Ross Research Building
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21205

Kwangmeyung Kim
Kwangmeyung Kim, PhD
Distinguished ProfessorCollege of Pharmacy,
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ewha Womans University, Korea

Twan Lammers
Twan Lammers, PhD, DSc
Department of Nanomedicine and Theranostics
Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging
RWTH Aachen University Clinic
Center for Biohybrid Medical Systems
Forckenbeckstrasse 55
52074 Aachen, Germany

Xing-Jie Liang
Xing-Jie Liang, PhD
Deputy Director, Key Laboratory for Biomedical Effects of Nanomaterials and Nanosafety
National Center for Nanoscience and Technology of China
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China 100190

Leu-Wei Lo
Leu-Wei Lo, Ph.D.
Senior Investigator
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Nanomedicine
National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan

Yitao Long
Yitao Long, Ph.D.
Professor, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Nanjing University

Jonathan Lovell
Jonathan Lovell, PhD
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
University at Buffalo, State University of New York

J. Andrew MacKay
J. Andrew MacKay, PhD
Associate Professor, Departments of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90033-9121

Jingxuan Pan
Jingxuan Pan, MD, PhD
Professor, State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology
Sun Yat-sen University Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center
54 South Xianlie Road
Guangzhou 510060, China

Martin Pomper
Martin Pomper, MD, PhD
Professor, Department of Radiology
Johns Hopkins Medical School
Baltimore, MD 21231

Richard J. Price
Richard J. Price, PH.D.
Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Radiology, and Radiation Oncology
Research Director, UVa Focused Ultrasound Center
Fellow of AIMBE

Kannan Rangaramanujam
Kannan Rangaramanujam, PhD
Arnall Patz Distinguished Professor of OphthalmologyCo-director, Center for NanomedicineWilmer Eye Institute
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD 21287

Irina Velikyan
Irina Velikyan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
PET Center, Center for Medical Imaging
Uppsala University Hospital
S-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden

Junjie Xiao, PhD., M.D.
School of Life Science, Shanghai University
Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences in Shanghai University
Jiake Xu
Jiake Xu, Ph.D.
Winthrop Professor
School of Biomedical Sciences
The University of Western Australia
Perth, Western Australia

Lily Yang
Lily Yang, MD, PhD
Nancy Panoz Chair of Surgery in Cancer Research, Department of Surgery
Emory University School of Medicine

Jingjing Zhang
Jingjing Zhang, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
National University of Singapore

Xin Zhang
Xin Zhang, Ph.D.
Professor, PI
National Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering
Institute of Process Engineering
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100190, Beijing, P. R. China

Gang Zheng
Gang Zheng, PhD
Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M5G 1L7

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